Special pages
By default, the type for a piece of content is inherited from the the content’s section. So, the file you create for content at content/posts/
automatically has a type of posts. However, you may want to keep
within that section because you want to rely on Hugo’s default behavior to render the page to
, but you want it to render according to a different layout. In this case, you can specify a type for the content that overrides the default behavior. Types are always singular.
You can then put specific layouts in a layout folder of the same name as the type (hence why it works with mylayout
). You are telling Hugo that your About page, while living inside the root content section, is of the specific mylayout type. Further, you could even specify a layout that Hugo should use to render your About page:
date = "2017-04-17T11:01:21-04:00"
draft = false
title = "About"
type = "mylayout"
layout = "speciallayout"
In this example, Hugo will render the page according to what you create in ./themes/mytheme/layouts/mylayout/speciallayout.html
. If you do not specify the layout, Hugo then looks for the the next layout in the lookup order.
Looping with indices
To loop a collection along with the index you can use:
{{range $index, $element := .collection}}
index:{{ $index }}
name:{{ $ }}
{{ end }}