Welcome to my site, ruivieira.dev.
Formerly, this site used to be a blog. Currently, it is adhering to the principles of a Digital Garden and following the guidelines of Brutalist Web Design. It is intended to be a collection of notes, a learning journal and a reference – all growing organically.
Technical details about this site are available on the site details page. This site is also available as man
About me
I’m a senior software engineer at Red Hat2 working on machine learning, specifically explainable AI and distributed applications. I have a PhD in Bayesian Statistics (on the topic of Sequential Monte-Carlo methods for long-running streaming data) from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics at Newcastle University, UK.
You can find recordings and slides from previous presentations I’ve made in here and some of my repositories on GitHub3. There is also a “now” page with some of the things I’m focused on, at the moment.
In this site you’ll find notes on topics such as:
- Machine Learning with a focus on explainability and fairness.
- Counterfactuals
- Synthetic data generation
- Optimisation methods, including Hill-climbing optimisation and Gradient-free optimisation.
- Software Engineering
- Programming languages I frequently use, in no particular order:
Here you can find some of the things I do for fun:
Recent Blog Posts
- "Panegyric" (5nd May 2024)
- VM Storage with XFS for High I/O Operations (9nd April 2024)
- Syncthing as a service (31nd March 2024)
- Restricting SSH connections (29nd March 2024)
- k9s vaporwave skin (3nd March 2024)
- Kubernetes leases (23nd February 2024)
- Plan 9 design (28nd January 2024)
- BSD mascot (21nd January 2024)
- KServe logging (27nd September 2023)
- Orca's fashion (18nd September 2023)
- Modernism and Gazette (16nd September 2023)
- KNative missing CRDs (7nd September 2023)
- JUnit null and empty sources (5nd September 2023)
- LunarVim (4nd September 2023)
- Hatch Poetry (3nd September 2023)
- Exception Bubbling in Python (2nd September 2023)
Recently updated
- UNIX ()
- Unfairness detection ()
- Site details ()
- SHAP Background for cold start ()
- Python ()
- Programming ()
- ModelMesh ()
- Linux admin ()
- Introduction to Isolation Forests ()
- Fairness in Machine Learning ()
- Explainability ()
- Counterfactual Fairness in Java ()
- Containerised Streaming Data Generation using State-Space Models ()
- ()
- TrustyAI ()
- Kubernetes ()
- DOOM Emacs ()
- Kubernetes leases ()
- Panegyric ()
- "Panegyric" ()